Monday, 12 June 2023


No matter where we live or what we do for a living, God wants to use all of us to Reach, Touch and Transform lives if we are willing vessels. God is always looking out for willing hearts to serve Him. He does not look at your degrees, how much you have, or even how eloquently you speak. 

Every person in the world is a possible vessel for God to use, regardless of what his attitude to God may be. 1 Samuel 16:7 “But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.”

Each one of us was made to serve a different purpose. Some people may be like a beautiful vase – up on a mantle, where everyone can see. Others may have roles that seem insignificant which no one seems to notice. No matter what role we have, we still serve a meaningful place in the Lord’s kingdom. Every type of vessel has a vital role to fulfill and God places each of us here on earth at a particular time for a specific reason.

Every one of our Foot Soldiers has availed themselves for God’s purposes. Some of them received their calling early in life to serve God but others had aspirations of their own to be successful, rich and live a good life. But yet when God called them, there was never any doubt in their mind not to answer His call. Life in the mission fields is a challenge, yet they go, not knowing what to expect but going with the assurance that God goes with them and He will make a way even where there is no way. COVID-19 wreaked havoc but what the enemy meant for evil God turned it for Good. What we saw at the beginning of the pandemic was fear and uncertainty, but what we see now is strength and tenacity.

In Siliguri India for example, the Foot Soldiers had some great reports to share. Door-to-door evangelism gave them a great opportunity to minister, share the love of God and his salvation plan. They tell of dynamic worship happening in house churches and in 2022 more than 60 house churches were planted in the Himalayan region near Siliguri and the Bhutan border. One Foot Soldier in Naya Salley village decided to celebrate Father’s Day in the village. For the first time in their life they celebrated Father’s Day and the people loved it. They honored their fathers for the first time and restoration flowed between fathers and children. Through this act, they began to understand the love of the Heavenly Father and celebrated His love, compassion and grace for them.

This is not just happening here in Siliguri but all over Asia. 2022 was a very challenging year for Myanmar not just with the pandemic but also the instability of the country. Yet, the Foot Soldiers there are evangelizing and sharing the Gospel without fear. Churches are reporting an increase in numbers and in spite of the political situation being unstable, they were able to hold Youth Camps and Bible Camps with the permission of the authorities. That in itself was a miracle. In the Rakhine State in December during their outreach programs, six people were baptized. It is like the darkness had been lifted and they were renewed and empowered to go out without fear and declare boldly the Kingdom of God. They have seen such the favor and goodness of God and it has strengthened them.  

There seems to be a sense of urgency after the pandemic and God is raising up more workers for the harvest fields. We thank God for these men and women of God who are rising up and are taking the baton, willing to run the race for His Kingdom. We are all in this covenant relay race carrying the Word of God and bringing the reality of God to our world. We are so thankful for your support of our Foot Soldiers Ministry that has empowered them to go that extra mile. We pray for a supernatural endowment of hope, to keep them convinced that their labours in the Lord will never be in vain.   

1 Timothy 1:12 “I thank Him Who has given me strength, Christ Jesus our Lord, because He judged me faithful, appointing me to His service.” That is an attitude I strive to have in my own walk with God. I want to be a vessel, used by God for His glory, but I have to be willing to go wherever He calls me and do whatever He asks.”

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