Friday, 30 May 2014

Dear Partner in Missions,

Warmest Christian Greetings!

I have just celebrated my big day of 3 score and 10 years. Reflecting on my 32 years of ministry and my 26 years in Asian Outreach, I praise God for the many special and unforgettable memories, showing me the faithfulness of God. I am touched with a deep knowledge of God’s presence living in me and speaking to me through these memories. It’s been a wonderful journey of discovering God’s unconditional love and finding joy in sharing that treasure with those I am blessed to meet. All of these memories have impacted me and have helped so much in my personal growth. You have the power from God in Christ, to make each day a time for growth. I can recall each memory so vividly

I remember some years ago I went to visit the Dalit Slum in Sri Lanka. The smell of the slum as I entered was so repugnant that I felt like puking. Our co-worker in Sri Lanka was obviously more used to the smell having been there many times. I prayed that my face would not reveal how I felt. As we walked along, our co-worker, stopped outside a small hut. From where I stood I could see it was just one small room with a dirt floor and inside sat a woman and her children. She was shocked when I went inside but was happy to see my co-worker. Being a Dalit, an untouchable, she felt she was not good enough for foreign visitors. After talking to her, our co-worker told me she would be preparing tea for us. As I entered the slum area I noticed the river flowing by was full of garbage floating in it and this was also their only source of water. I wondered where she would get the water for our tea.

She held the cup of tea to me, her eyes filled with fear and rejection thinking to herself would I accept the tea or refuse to drink it. I looked at her, thinking that if I drank the tea it would probably cause me diarrhea but if I refused, the lady would be faced with rejection. My heart was filled with God’s compassion and I knew that I had to reach out to this woman and show her the tangible love of God. The minute I stretched out my hand to take cup, I could see the joy that came over her. I prayed hard before drinking it. The memory of that joy on her face will always remain with me. It was how I reacted that made such a difference to that lady. Looking toward the window I saw many faces peering in, watching and listening intently and I began to share my own personal testimony of how much God loves me. At the altar call and every hand there was raised. We now have a church there.  Praise God!

The miracles and testimonies I have heard from my co-workers and Foot Soldiers have also shown me the awesomeness of God and has impacted and encouraged me greatly.  It has been my privilege and honor to work with these passionate and spirit filled men and women.  Persecution for preaching the Gospel is a daily affair but their love for the Lord is greater than their fear of persecution. What amazing faith!

In Bhutan our Foot Soldier, Pastor Lazarus, was returning home in the evening on a lonely country road near his village when he saw four men by the roadside and knowing they were from his village he stopped to talk to them. These men however, brutally attacked him, beating him up viciously, robbing him and then leaving him for dead by the roadside. When a police car found him a few hours later he had no pulse and he had stopped breathing. Two hours later at the hospital God healed him and brought him back to life.  The police wanted him to press charges and identify his attackers but Ps Lazarus chose not to. He instead chose

To forgive them. Ps Lazarus demonstrated the power of forgiveness in Christ. Did this deter him in any way? No it did not and after a month he was back travelling around the villages sharing the Gospel.

In Vietnam, our Leper Ministry co-worker Hien had been working tirelessly in the Phu Ly Leper Centre but the authorities were not encouraging and even hostile. But she persisted and eventually saw her prayers answered when the authorities began to relax and allow her to visit and fellowship with the patients. Last December to her amazement, the director of the centre personally invited Hien and her team to do a Christmas presentation which he himself attended and enjoyed. That day 28 of the patients ‘children at the center, accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior.  Praise God that Hien would not give up no matter how tough the going got. 28 souls were saved that day because of her great love for God and to trust Him to open the door.

The Glory place Prayer Tower in Siliguri India overflows with miracles, signs and wonders.  Every report I receive from our coordinator there is filled with the goodness of God and His love for His people. In February of this year Ps Jiwan was excited to share about the miraculous healing of a 15 year old Hindu girl. She had a lump in her breast which was swollen and painful. Doctors told her parents she needed surgery which was costly. Pastor Jiwan was asked to visit them and pray for the teenager. He shared about the good news of Doctor Jesus Christ and asked them to trust God to heal her. In the early hours of the morning the next day, the lump ruptured and a lot of pus and blood flowed out. A few days later the swelling was gone and the girl was fully recovered. There was no more lump on her breast. Her parents on seeing the power of God over their daughter’s life immediately accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior. The young girl herself accepted Jesus also.

God is moving over Asia, reaching, touching and changing lives and I am humbled that I am called to be a part of what God is doing here. I can go on and on, telling you story after story for it never tires me to tell of the goodness and faithfulness of our Lord. I am very encouraged when I think back of these incidences and more passionate to press on to see more people ushered into His Kingdom.

Christians are being persecuted everywhere and even here in our own country Christians are facing great challenges ahead. We never need to fear for God has promised us in Act 1:8 “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses…” Therefore we stand on the promises of God for He never fails us.

I am truly grateful for your continued support which has encouraged me and enable me to fulfil God’s plan for this ministry. My co-workers and I would not have been able to do it without your support and I thank you for sowing into the lives of others. May God bless you and your families.

Luke 6:38
Give and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.

Friday, 16 May 2014

Reaching Asia’s Unreached
By Pastor Stanley Gerard
Associate Trainer

Planting in Faith
THE pioneers of Asian Outreach, like any other Christian organization, individual or church, worked hard without seeing the fruits of their labour of love. Yet they planted seeds by faith, and in so doing, they began the work of salvation in the lives of many. It was this conviction that gave them satisfaction --- that they had done their work and did it well as another generation reaps the harvest.
For the past 10 years, I have been involved in church planting in many countries, including several restricted-access nations. I thank God for those brave workers and church planters in my team who are working in the field with me to obey the Great Commission--- to “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations.”(Matthew 28:19).

Blessed are the Persecuted
You cannot imagine the persecution they face in these restricted-access nations. Danger lurks in every corner. You never can tell if your neighbour who smiles at you when he sees you today is going to turn on you tomorrow. Their wives and children are also not safe, having always to be careful of what they say and who they talk to.

Counting the cost and Following Him
Why do they still want to do it? Why risk everything?
It is because each one of these church planters had a personal encounter with the living God and their lives have never been the same since. (Psalm 103: 4 “…who redeems my life from the pit and crowns me with love and compassion.”) They have known His love and saving grace, and they trust Him no matter what happens. He is Abba, their Father.
Let me share with you a pioneering work in a fishing community in Bangladesh, a restricted-access nation.

Church Planting in Action
Today, there are 22 believers here. When we visited them in October last year, they were happy to see us and continue to be receptive to God’s Word. Most of them were poor and struggling to make ends meet and like anywhere else in this country, jobs were not easy to come by. They cannot depend on the government to make their lives better and survival is a struggle yet they are eager to hear the Word of God. Truly, blessed are the poor.
Pastor Samuel and Pastor Bullet, two local pastors have a vision for the entire community to be saved. Up to date they have planted 2 churches and 18 cell groups. We pray that once the seed is planted, God would open more hearts to receive Christ as their personal Saviour.
Today, Asian Outreach has trained thousands of workers or foot-soldiers. Many churches have been planted, especially in restricted-access nations. Today, church planters have reached the very borders of Afghanistan and Iran.

Donations needed
However, the work of the church planters have been hindered because of the lack of finance, among other problems. Due to this lack, we have had to slow down the implementation of our church planting plans.
My prayer is that churches and individuals can come together and do what it takes to accomplish the Great Commission of Jesus Christ to make disciples of all nations.
Allow me to end with this quote “You can give without loving, but you cannot love without giving”. May this truly reverberate in the Body of Christ, and in the soul of every brother and sister to give out of the love in their hearts to enable the Great Commission of God to spread to the ends of the Earth.

Zec 10:12 “I will strengthen them in the Lord and in His name they will walk.”
Prayer points
1. We pray for safety and protection of all the pastors, leaders and believers (especially the converts) 
    from radical extremist. 
2. We ask the Lord to strengthen the leaders and pastors to be fearless in their zeal for the gospel.
3. We lift up the government of Bangladesh to have wisdom and fairness not to give in to the
     extremist demands. 

Friday, 9 May 2014

Rev Lawrence Yap.
Senior Pastor.
Charis Christian Centre.
AOM board member.                                                       

Allow me to say this, from the heart of a pastor to the heart of another – that if our church is not involved in any missions at all – then we are missing the heartbeat of God!
I used to think that a church has to come to a certain size, then only will we be financially capable to be involved in “missions”.  This is a myth and all of us can be involved one way or another if we learn to ‘think outside the box.’
Let me just share some insight.
The last 5 to 10 years have been a time of rapid changes and this has brought about many opportunities for the gospel work.

·        Political and economic maps were redrawn thus enabling new opportunities for Kingdom works. Just consider Libya and Myanmar as examples of how windows of opportunities are opening.

·        Technological advances like smart phones; social networks etc., literally connecting people and the world in an instance. This is part of “Globalization” but this also means ‘opportunities’.

·        The ‘center of gravity’ of the gospel has shifted to the southern hemisphere.
-This means that much of the spiritual activities of the church is no longer focused on Europe or North America but instead has come to Asia and the Pacific realm where mega congregations; church planting and community transformation programs are taking place. We in Malaysia are part of this shift!

·        A “diaspora” (dispersion) of nationalities.
-Just in Malaysia alone, we are surrounded by people from Myanmar, Nepal, Iran, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Africa and other Middle Eastern nations. In a way, we do not ‘go to the nations.’ The ‘nations have come to us!’

What do these things mean to you? Which of the above factors capture your attention and that you see is a ‘possibility’ in your church setting?

Perhaps you can spend some time - praying and thinking through these factors of what you can do for God in terms of spreading the gospel. It need not be just going out ‘to preach’ per se.

We need to take missions to the next level. We need not be locked in to the old fashion way of sending missionaries abroad – though it should still be done. God can give us wisdom and creative ways, for example, of how a businessman sponsored thousands of gospel radios that were assembled in a factory and brought into the interiors. Another businessman allowed his restaurant to be utilized as a worship place at 12 midnight for his foreign workers. Yet, there are many who have become ‘cyber world evangelists’.

The challenges of the gospel work are as real but God is sovereign. New doors and new frontiers have been opened up for us. We must seize the moment. As our members get involved, they grow spiritually too.

Remember that in missions, not everyone may GO, but we can certainly GIVE and PRAY and to DO what we can for God - right at our doorsteps!

Yours Together for His Kingdom.

Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Trekking with God in the jungles of Sarawak
By Pastor Benny Ng
AOM Coordinator for Sarawak   

“I WILL wear adult diapers if I have to on my mission trip!”
This is what I told my wife when she was worried about my health and thought maybe I should take a break from ministry to get better first. I had been suffering from diarrhoea for three days and nights after ministering two villages in Sarawak. I still had one more village to visit.

Ministry in Long Sukang
I sensed the Lord’s leading and trusted that He would heal me as I wanted to honour my commitment to the church in Long Sukang. Sure enough, the Lord healed me as I got into the twin otter plane the next morning to travel from Miri to Lawas.
Here, nine churches from nearby villages came together for the revival meetings. We were treated like VIPs with welcoming dances and songs, and feted with sumptuous traditional delicacies. And the icing on the cake was the invitation by the leaders to return soon for more meetings and training.

Ministry in Long Jawe
Earlier, my team from the Hong Kong Sha Alliance church and I journeyed deep into the jungles of Sarawak, traversing’s the State’s tough, bumpy trails and long winding rivers to reach the Orang Asli there, namely the Ibans and Melanau living in the villages of Long Jawe and Long Busang.

It took seven hours to get to Long Jawe. Along the way, we saw numerous villages - covering an area double the size of Singapore - that were submerged in flood waters. The villagers were known as Orang Ulu (interior people) and comprised the Kenyah, Kayan and Penan tribes). The flood was caused by the building of the Bakun dam, which resulted in much of the cultural artefacts of the various tribes being destroyed.

The church of Long Jawe, which was once vibrant and now cold, floats 30 feet above sea level --- a rare sight indeed. The area is now home to only a handful of Kenyahs who live in floating houses. Back in its Heyday when the foreign missionaries were here this was a thriving church and we pray for revival fever to return to this church.

Ministry in Long Busang
We took a two-hour boat ride to Long Busang where some 30 % of the Kenyah people are non-Christians. To our surprise, the village head and other non-Christian leaders welcomed us with open arms .We were invited to their homes for visitations and still more amazing, every home requested us to pray before meals.
Before we started our ministry in the church, the pastor used the church’s PA system to invite the whole village to come for the meeting.

During altar call after my sharing, an old lady came up to me to thank me for relieving her from the burden of bitterness towards God for many years because her son committed suicide. She left with newfound joy in her heart when God healed her of her grief when she finally chose to let go of her anger.

God’s Protection
As I travel the length and breadth of Sarawak’s interior, the journeys are always challenging as I never know what to expect when I go into the jungle to minister to the local tribes. Because I am to be obedient to His calling, I know God will protect and keep my family safe, and that He will be in the jungle with me, guarding me too.

Fruit of our Labour
To see these people come to the Lord is my reward. For truly there is no better reward than seeing the people you have touched are also going to Heaven with you.

Gal 6:9-10 Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers

Prayer Points
1. We ask the Lord to protect Benny and the teams he travels with and grant them journey mercies.
2. We pray for the gospel to reach every tribe and the salvation of every tribe in Sarawak.
3. We pray for the plight of the unreached peoples group in Sarawak who have been robbed of their 
    natural habitat and exploited and are in danger due to men’s greed for wealth.